Bomb Tower wiki

  • Defensive Strategy
    • Place it where hordes of ground troops are to be expected. You can protect Air Defenses with a Bomb Tower; the two defenses complement each other, as they cover each other's weaknesses; the Bomb Tower can deal with ground troops while the Air Defense deals with air troops.
    • It can be also used in place of the Wizard Tower to complement a Mortar if Wizard Towers are needed elsewhere in the base. Again, it is capable of covering most of the Mortar's blind spot, but only if they are placed next to each other.
  • Offensive Strategy
    • Air troops are totally immune to the bomb tower. All air strategies will be almost unaffected by the Bomb Tower.
      • As the Bomb Tower is a defensive building, it will still be capable of funneling Balloons (and Lava Hounds if there are no Air Defenses remaining), and can possibly make them move away from your desired target, or into traps.
    • If the Bomb Tower of an enemy's base is exposed, a small number of troops can be used to take it out (due to its low hit-points). This will reduce the amount of damage inflicted to your overall army as a result of its damage and explosion.
    • To avoid having the majority of your attacking force being caught within the radius of its resulting explosion, consider deploying a tank unit (Giant or Golem) to soak up the damage.
    • Be on a look-out for empty 4x2 spaces near Bomb Towers. It may indicate the presence of double Giant Bombs, which--combined with the bomb tower's explosion--will wreck havoc on hog-based armies.


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